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Idaho 7 - New to the Hop Game, But Already Making An Impact!


Idaho 7 - New to the Hop Game, But Already Making An Impact!

Idaho 7 is a newer hop to the game that has made a pretty big splash right off the bat. Hailing from, you guessed it, Idaho, this hop showed up on the scene in 2015. It’s become very popular immediately due to the huge flavor and aromatic boosts that it lends to beers, particularly West Coast IPA’s and New England style IPA’s.

While I see Idaho 7’s greatest contribution as a late addition dry hop, it also is extremely effective early in the kettle for a complex bittering shot. In dry hop I’ve always noticed a very large guava/tangerine/apricot pop followed with a nice piney/resinous character. It does have the ability to bring a black tea-like character, but I’ve only found that in late kettle and whirlpool adds. It does work wonderfully in beers where you are looking for that super “dank” aspect by adding complexity and depth to the typical hops used to get there. On the flip side, it really can bring depth to more citrus and tropical forward hops, adding those sweet fruit flavors with a touch of pine.

With so many great hops available to grab, it’s easy to look over workhorse hops like Idaho 7. But with its ability to showcase such unique contributions of depth and pop, it’s one that should be in a consistent mix in your brew schedule. Sub it for CTZ in that early kettle addition. Through it in that second dry hop along with your Citra and Mosaic. Not only will it add the depth that folks are looking for, it will also set you heads and shoulders above the competition in a crowded hoppy beer market.

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